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American SRF extremely black wagyu oxtail

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Product details:

  • Packaging specifications: 2.2 pounds (about 1kg) / 1 package / each piece is about 1.5 inches thick
  • Storage method: -18 degrees
  • Origin: United States

  • Features:

    • American SRF extremely black cattle, grown in the Aida River, after years of development, SRF has become a recognized brand in the world. Its combination with American Angus and Japanese purebred Wagyu creates the best of both worlds, with the marbled outfield of Japanese beef and the high-quality American Angus flavor.

      Oxtail is rich in colloid, has more muscles and bones, and less fat. It can replenish blood, replenish the essence, strengthen the body, and nourish the face.

    • Individually packaged, convenient and hygienic.
    • How to eat: stew, stew, soup.